
Britplas holds the following accreditations and certifications:

BS 0HSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems)
ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems)
ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems)
CHAS (Health and Safety Assessment Scheme)
SAFE CONTRACTOR (Approved Contractor Scheme)
FAIR TRADES (member since 2006)
Constructionline (Public and private sector procurement)
TRUSTMARK (Government endorsed standards)
C0 VEA Risk Control certificate (Premises Risk Improvement report)
Environment Agency (Certified Upper Tier Carrier Dealer)
RESET (Competence management systems)
Consumer Protection Association: Approved Craftsmen.
PAS 24 (Doors and panic escape devices)
FENSA  (Registered company)
Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT) member
National Federation of Glaziers member
Internal QMS Auditor qualified